Category: Uncategorized
Tags: america, catfish dinner, CED, Creative Everyday Challenge 2014, daily art, funny, joke, music, nashville, rock and roll, spoof, thats my kind of night, trashville
Today is day 16, in my create something every day challenge 2014. – I draw or paint something and post it every day of the year. So far, so good although my hands are starting to hurt. The theme this month is “Past, Present, and Future”. -and speaking of hands, I did not do a hand study tonight, back tomorrow likely with that.
Tonight I did something ridiculous. I guess its just, well – my kind of night. (ouch, sorry). I found something in my truck, while going down a dirt road, headed to a rural location, near a body of water, with a six pack of beer, after I had my catfish dinner – and here it is. The infamous T-Pain / Conway mix tape.

winner winner, catfish dinner T-Pain / Conway mix tape.
Obviously this is a joke. the thought of such a tape is pure absurd. But if popular country music in 2013 has anything to day about it – this is the American Dream. NOTE TO NEW VIEWERS – this is NOT a critique of country music. I love all sorts of music. I really dont like whats coming out on modern country radio though and this is a spoof on that. OK back to your auto-tune and regularly scheduled programming.