
Painting of Hill Country Home

I finished this painting of a Texas Hill Country home late last week, but then went out of town to visit family in South Texas. I am back at home today and working on finishing a landscape painting which I hope to post tomorrow. I haven’t done many homes with the tile roofs so this was quite the challenge. It is a really pretty home, really happy with how this one turned out. It was printed on a 7 X 11 canvas – I might have this one printed larger and hang it in the studio.


The week looks really busy ahead but I will be back tomorrow with more to share. Im trying to provide at least a work in progress or new painting each day for y’all to look at. Stay tuned and thanks for coming by!


Creative real estate closing gift – a house portrait

A house portrait for a creative real estate closing gift

I love helping agents with creative real estate closing gift ideas and I am happy to have completed a new house portrait for just such an occasion. This home in Austin has a ton of trees and landscaping which made the painting really fun to do.

Creative real estate closing gift - a house portrait

Realtor, Nikki Tate hired me to complete a painting for the sellers to take with them after they sold their home. She was really great to work with and she tells me the sellers were in her words “thrilled” with the unique and memorable closing gift they received from her.

Hiring me to do a special gift is easy. Go over to my contact form and let me know you are interested. I will ask for a few reference pictures and some an rough idea on how large you want the custom painted house portrait and we can go from there. Don’t know what size? I can help out with that too.  Shoot me a line, I would love to hear from you!