
French Bulldog Dutch Master style painting – Lemmy with lute – CED 2014 episode 77

Today is day 77 or so of the create every day challenge 2014.  Where I draw, or paint or digitally paint or do some sort of digital painting or what not every week day of the year.

OK so the peanut is done… now back to something I have been working/thinking about this month.  Lemmy playing some music.  you might remember me kicking this off in episode 67 where I made my french bulldog dutch master painting fashioned after Vermeer.  Well I ended up not liking that pose so I am going with another dutch painter’s style and am working on Lemmy as a lute playing clown.  yeah.

After a few sketches, this is about as far as I am going to get tonight.  so, here is the Lemmy WIP as it stands at 10:43 CST.


The idea here is to re visit a painting from somewhere in time – Circa 1623 to be exact – the reference painting is by Frans Hals, title “Clown With Lute”



Lemmy the French bulldog sketches studies part 1 day 68 – CED challenge 2014

Today is day 68 of the create every day challenge 2014.  Where I draw, or paint or digitally paint or do some sort of digital painting or what not every week day of the year.

Today I present a few sketches I have been working on for a bigger piece, see post 67 on joining a classic painting with something ridiculous where I plan to merge some dutch master vermeer painting with a modern twist.  Trying to slow down a bit and really study all aspects before I commit to a final composition.  Its challenging since I like to work fast, but as a professor from my art school days once told me – the best stuff you do is the stuff you plan extensively.  So the next few posts will be lots and lots of studies.  Il’e probably run another twitter contest, or portrait contest or monday twitter contest soon though, and you might be a runner up for the art contest – so don’t despair you wont have to look at sketches of dogs day after day after day.

So here you go, french bulldog sketches of yours truly, lemon juice.


Lemon Juice – French Bulldog Sketches


Day 67 Create every day challenge

Today is day 67 of the create every day challenge 2014.  Where I draw, or paint or digitally paint or do some sort of digital painting or what not every week day of the year.

Working on a few sketches for a pretty big endeavor – joining a classic painting with something rediculous… Like Lemmy at the virginette instead of lady….

just a quick study on this one.  Il’e be posting some more later.

Young Woman Seated at a Virginal.jpg


Juice (lemon juice) – CED 2014 day 58

Today is day 58 of the create every day challenge 2014.  Where I draw, or paint or digitally paint or do some sort of digital painting or what not every week day of the year.

Along the lines of day 56… Here is Lemon Juice – Richardson Original.  Juice.



Dogs of Anarchy

Today is day 56 I think… of the create every (now almost) day challenge 2014.  Where I draw, or paint or digitally paint or do some sort of digital painting or what not every week day of the year.

So in my last post I explained what has had me offline for 3 days.  Tonight, I worked up an illustration inspired by a friend of mine who calls Lemon Juice – “Juice”.   yeah that guy.  So I got to thinking, Juice might need a leather vest some day, and he might need a patch on the back.  So when he does, because oh yes, he will… Here it is.  Dogs of Anarchy style.

Dogs of Anarchy leather vest

Dogs of Anarcy