Create (sort of) everyday – day 70 – in the garden

Today is day 70 of the create every day challenge 2014.  Where I draw, or paint or digitally paint or do some sort of digital painting or what not every week day of the year.

Busy Weekend!  We had Ada’s grandparents over, and her cousins and we stayed very busy.  Lemon Juice definitely got some socialization / bonding time with little kids!  Not a ton of artwork Friday – Sunday but I did play drums and guitar with a 4, 6, and 9 year old which was pretty much awesome noise.  For your listening pleasure, this is not recorded and will not be posted!

Last frost date (depends on who you ask) was March 15 in DFW, March 21 in Collin County which I am in the southern end of.  I already had a few plants in the ground but I spent the weekend working on getting the garden together.

As of today, The plot looks like this –


So here is the layout…
