An update on the Digital Art Ranch

Hello everyone, Im writing this post to update everyone on some things in the making that has been perpetuating for quite some time now.  As of June 30, 2015 I will no longer be employed with a “day job”.  I am excited to announce I am now ALL IN on making art as a career with the Digital Art Ranch.

As most of you know, ever since I was very young all I wanted to be was an artist.  My parents were supportive, took me and my brother to summer art classes and have encouraged me every step of the way.  I went to Western Michigan University to pursue this passion, and as fate has it I took a call center job in 2003 to pay the bills and never really got back into the swing of things until recently.

After much advances in technology since my years in school I picked up and iPad and started to paint, then graduating up to a Wacom Cintiq.  I could again paint digitally – with much less set up time, clean up time, building canvas time, and the such so I could work make art, and be with my family.  Ive been enjoying some success creating work for fun and sale on the side.  But, it was simply on the side, and updates and works have been sporadic at best.  As I continued to work I knew this is what I wanted to do from here out. 

I must say I do not begrudge my time in the corporate world.  I actually learned a lot and got to know a lot of amazing people.  I learned things about myself, like how much I really enjoy leading a team – contributing to decisions that would help employees, clients and customers.  Turns out, I was pretty good at it.  Some people get all hot and bothered about “selling out” and “working for the man” but I tell you I had an opportunity to work for some of the best people in the industry.  Namely my time at Atlas, working under my boss Patrick – easily the coolest dude in the work force.  We were a small company with fantastic ethics, people, processes and I enjoyed much flexibility to spend time with my family when needed.  It was a unicorn situation, there is nothing else like it, and I am very grateful.

This is definitely a challenging and quite frankly frightening time in my life.  My family still counts on me to contribute to the household – and even though I feel in my heart I am positioned to do so its going to be an unpredictable, uncomfortable run for a while.  My wife is more than the boss, she is the bosses boss.  She has been nothing but supportive and I love her dearly.  The normal thing to do here is look for another square job, and she is backing me 100% to follow my passion, and make this plan a reality.  I can not thank her enough for the support she is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

As I transition I will be updating the blog/news with more work.  I will be much more available to do commissioned paintings and operate on a much quicker turn around time.  I will also be able to spend time with my daughter before she heads to school in the fall.  I have a lot of exciting ideas and am looking forward to spending more time on the craft.

I am 100% in on this and I want everyone to know I am available to create custom digital or traditional artwork just for you.

I am here to help people and share stories in visual form.  I will make paintings of the house you grew up in.  I will paint a picture of a lost but not forgotten music legends.  I will create a label for your most awesome home brew.  I will bring a new perspective on your crazy dog who is always a joker.  I will make paintings of first time home owner’s very first home.  I will make album covers that will visually introduce new listeners to your craft.  I will be part of something you are proud to display for all to see.  I will connect with you in a meaningful way.  I thank you greatly for joining me on this journey – please let me know how I can help you today. I cant wait to get started working with you!